Event Information

Event on 2022-02-09 21:00, 3 km NW Correggio (RE), Magnitude 4.3
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Event Map for originId



Local time 2022-02-09 21:00:57
UTC Time 2022-02-09 20:00:57
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 44.79 / 10.75
Swiss Coordinates 861916 / -34880
Magnitude 4.3
Magnitude Type ML
Location 3 km NW Correggio (RE)
Depth [km] 6.4
Location Type manual
Agency INGV
Last Update 09-02-2022 20:17:26
Danger level 1 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:webservices.ingv.it/fdsnws/event/1/query?originId=100817861

Observed macroseismic intensities

Zip Code
Epicentral Distance
# of Reports
6828 Balerna CH 180 km felt 1

*An intensity value according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) is only given from six reports onwards per postal code .

Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2022/02/09_080813270 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for February 09, 2022, 08:01:00.019
EVENT 2022/02/09_080100019 BOLOGNA I
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2022/02/09 20:01:00.02 0.36 44.9056 10.6660 22314.3 7354.6 296 22.0 9.7 17 17 226 0.72 2.22 a i uk SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLhc 4.3 0.3 15 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
SALO 0.72 350.9 P 20:01:14.020 0.0 ___ 66698.7 a__ MLhc 4.9 --------
BOB 0.87 260.9 P 20:01:17.640 0.0 ___ 8927.0 a__ MLhc 4.2 --------
LUSI 1.07 9.2 P 20:01:19.178 -0.5 ___ 86661.8 a__ MLhc 5.1 --------
MDI 1.10 321.8 P 20:01:20.490 0.1 ___ 9589.4 a__ MLhc 4.1 --------
MABI 1.16 353.6 P 20:01:21.270 0.1 ___ 6675.7 a__ MLhc 4.5 --------
MUGIO 1.54 311.4 P 20:01:25.870 -1.0 ___ 3236.2 a__ MLhc 4.1 --------
BERNI 1.58 342.5 P 20:01:29.035 1.1 ___ a__ --------
BRMO 1.59 351.5 P 20:01:27.690 -0.1 ___ 4065.1 a__ MLhc 4.5 --------
AGOR 1.62 35.0 P 20:01:27.920 0.0 ___ 6882.0 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------
VARE 1.65 305.7 P 20:01:28.680 0.2 ___ 5780.7 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------
VDR 1.68 320.7 P 20:01:28.845 0.0 ___ 3231.8 a__ MLhc 4.4 --------
FUORN 1.74 349.7 P 20:01:30.500 0.3 ___ a__ --------
VDL 1.80 331.1 P 20:01:30.760 -0.1 ___ 2502.4 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------
DAVOX 1.96 342.9 P 20:01:33.935 0.8 ___ 2427.7 a__ MLhc 4.2 --------
FUSIO 2.10 317.7 P 20:01:34.300 -0.4 ___ 3253.0 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------
NALPS 2.16 321.3 P 20:01:35.625 -0.3 ___ 2893.0 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------
MMK 2.22 301.1 P 20:01:35.435 -0.9 ___ 2186.3 a__ MLhc 4.3 --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

No announcement.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
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